
posted in: General, Music | 54

Music has been a blessing in my life – and I hope that through this website I can share this blessing with you. It is always good to hear from old friends and fans, so if you’d like to leave a message, please submit it in the comment box below.

54 Responses

  1. Rajiv Chanababa

    Hello Sir
    Thx To Entertainment All Music Lovers
    Your Music Was Never Never Die From People Hearts ,Peoples Remember your Music Lots Of Years (Never Endless)
    I M Big Fan Of Yours , I Never See You Live But I Fill Very Lucky To Listening Your Music
    Best Wishes For Your Health God bless you
    Rajiv Chanababa

  2. Stephen

    My name is Stephen Boyer my grandmother was daisy Daniels and my father Horace Boyer, I am also a musician are we related.We live in the U.K.

  3. GAURAV Dayanand AMOLIK

    Hello Enoch Daniels uncle ,
    This is Gaurav from church of the Holy name -the Piano player n organist …. Today it’s ur birthday and I wish you a very happy n blessed birthday…. We met in the church… I hope you remember me… I was playing an organ with Arvind Gadkari uncle…. We n our church missed you so much….. Stay blessed n stay strong for Glory of our Lord Jesus Christ

  4. Suresh Sarvaiya

    RADIO CEYLON’s SAAZ AUR AAWAAZ was a dedicated to ENOCH DANIELS. 16-04-2017 NALINI MALLIKA PARERA presented on RADIO CEYLON’s one of the best program “SAAZ AUR AAWAAZ” today or on Sunday the 16-04-2017 WITH HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES TO ENOCH DANIELS on his birthday.
    05. PYAR HUA-SHREE 420
    10 HAI APANA DIL SOLVA SAAL 78rpm version
    Suresh Sarvaiya, Raipur (CG) 492007

  5. D P Rangan

    What can I say about this great gift of God to Indian film song lovers. All words will be inadequate. I got hooked to instrumental film music as a teenager by hearing the instrumental music programme of 15 minutes broadcast by Radio Ceylon in times gone by. There were all sorts of music, violin bowing, shenai piping, guitar strumming and then the mind blowing piano accordion squeezing out soul stirring music.First saw two casettes – Vintage Wine and Exotic Diamonds by HMV in 80s. Pounced on them and listened to them again and again. Now in the internet age, many more recordings of your performance are available. Pray to God you continue to pour out more music and enthrall your followers.

  6. arnold gajramsingh

    I was in the audience at the Naparima Bowl ion Trinidad in the 60’s when you played live. Your music has been very inspiring, nostalgic and relaxing. It is indeed spiritual. I am sure that you will be a part of the heavenly orchestra when you get there. It is difficult to find your music on the shelves in the malls of India. Your music is international and should be available every where. Thanks for being a blessing over the decades to millions.

  7. Rajan Vagal

    I want to buy Piano Accordian especially of Honer Brand Kindly guide me in Mumbai to whom should I contact ???

    Thank you sir,

    Rajan Vagal

  8. Anil Kumar Bhandari

    I purchased your “Vintage Wine” and “Eveningtide Echos”LPs way back in early ’70s.
    I am still having them with me but cannot listen them as the technology has become obsolete.However I am not able to find them at any site for downloading even by paying.I have not liked any other instrumental record as much as these two.They are time immemorial as much as the songs selected for the discs. I am presently living at Pune.

  9. Segran Govender

    Dear Shri Danny, Your music has inspired me for over forty years. I am a blessed, self taught musician as well and being a keyboardist,the accordion remains my favourite! I operate an Indian band in South Africa and I am leader. Instrumntals are my favourite and I try to play in DETAIL just like you. I am in Chennai on holiday at this moment and wish I can visit you next time when I am close to Pune. You take care of yourself and may the almighty bless you with decades of lightning fingers and good health.I am trying to get recordings of you and Van Shipley together. I have your delightful dozen etc but need more. Its like tasty food! Kind regards

  10. prasad jambhekar

    dear mr. daniel ,what an irony that i have grownup listening your music but i didn’t knew about u.recently my brother who lives in pune told me about u,we have decided to meet u personally in february or march. I am born in pune, but live in surat(gujarat) since forty years.it was a great delight watching ur website. may almighty give u long and healthy life and serve the whole nation musically!please give ur phone no. so that i can have the pleasure of talking to u.

  11. Christopher Singh (UK)

    Dear Mr Daniels,
    What a joy to visit your website. I was reminded of you by one of my friends Peter Gaikwad of Pune as I saw your photo with him at a function as judge. I was a big fan of yours when I listened to accordion tuned played on radio Ceylon. Woh bhi kya din the – koi lauta de mere beete hue din. I respect you and your love for music. A masterclass I must say. Accept my regards. I have soem of your tunes on my computer as mp3 files and whenever I feel nostalgic I go there, Thank you


    Dear Danny Sir
    I was amongst your audience when you performed live at Bhopal in Nov1964.I was a little boy of 13 then.But a hard core music lover .Would never miss the program Vadya Sangeet at Radio Ceylon at 7 in the morning where you alongwith Van Shipley,Master Ebrahim Master Ajmeri were the centre of attraction.In the Bhopal program Arun Shendurnikar accompanied you on drums is in relation with me.Jagdish Shrivastava the local accordionist also performed hesitantly.Oh I have become nostalgic.
    My best wishes to you.

  13. Gopal Krishna

    Hello Daniels Uncle,

    This is Gopal your neighbour from Prabha Kunj. It was wonderful finding your website. You bring back so many happy memories of the wonderful times we had together.

    Our very best wishes,
    Gopal Krishna Parameswaran

  14. Chandra Pokhriyal

    Danny Sir… I always loved your music and grown up with one of your cassette which I still have in my house in India.
    Found your lovely website today and those photos made me nostalgic.
    Listening to your melodies right now and tune goes… choti si mulakaat pyaar ban gayi…
    Love you always.
    Birmingham, UK

  15. Dhiren Pathak

    Sir Mai App ke Bajaye Hui Geeto Ka Divana Hun, But Muje Sab Gane Pasand Hai ar 1 Geet Bahot hi Pasand Hai – Mahafil me Merei Koun ye Divana AA gaya Jab Samma Ne Puara to ye divana aa gaya.

    Thanks to you Aap Aise He Bajate Raho….

  16. ROHANA

    Dear Mr Daniels,

    Thank you very much for using the Piano Accordion to entertain us in a great way.

    I & my family members with friends who love Hindi Instrumentals in Sri Lanka wish you Good Health and Happiness !

    Rohan Piyatilake
    Sri Lanka

  17. Heemanshu Dave

    Respected Sir,

    I am a big fan of you. I learned playing keyboard by listen to you cassette. My father bought a HMV cassette which contains the song played by you somewhere in year 1986 at that time I was 15 yrs old. I like the songs played by you so much that I started playing it on Hormonium by listining each line. It took around 1 month for me to learn the first song “Yeah Jindagi Uski hai” and I played in the exacat way you played. At that time I was very happy that I played like you. But I will never going to be like you. That cassette is still with me and I use to hear it. Its you who developed the interest in me for music.

    I wish God bless u with good health and safety.

    With Best regards

  18. P. Baloch

    Respected Enoch Danial Sahib

    Kindly accept from me and my family heartiest congratulation on your 77th birthday being celeberated today – 16 April 2010. I have been listening your solo performance and in film songs since 1960 and this become a nostalgia for me.

    God bless u with good health and safety.

    P. Baloch – Karachi Pakistan

  19. Mr.Shakeb Ahmed

    Hi Mr Daniel
    I am a cambridge guy born and bred in Great Bitain.Iam your and your music admirer. Enoch Daniel, you are absolutely a hotshot who can be rated and regarded as the greatest accordionist India has ever produced.I literally can not express the thrill your exciting tunes on the accordion played in the most accomplished and competent way by you give me. The style and technique with which your music is carriedout is absolutely breathtaking and highly professional in its execution.

    I thoroughly enjoy every bit and every moment of the complete magic,miracle and mastery of your terrific accordion playing with the greatest precision producing a cool refreshing and sensational hypnotic effect on account of which I am left enthralled and spellbound.Wish you a healthy, wealthy happy and ever lasting life.

  20. salvi milind

    am electric guitarist practising for 1 hr daily .taking help of internet teacher .still i like your intrumental song pyar hua of shree 420

  21. john ditta

    daniel sahib its long ago that we worked in bombay together making ghazals.
    hope every thig is fine with you. plz. contact. God bless you.

  22. Ashram Sharma

    I love and appreciate your music very much. I am a music collector and I have quite a number of your LP’s in my collection. I reside in Trinidad West Indies where you toured in May 1966 with the great Mohammed Rafi and then in July 1968 with the King of Ghazals Talat Mehmood, and other musicians like Van Shipley and others. Unfortunately I was a very small boy when you did those two tours and I could not attend. (I was 3 years old on the first tour).

    May God Bless You Always.

  23. mangesh waghmare

    daniels saheb, you enriched my musical life veri deep and high. i always get amazed when listen to your piano, accordian and your arrengements for verious music directors i.e. C.Ramchandra,Salil chodhury, Ram kadam, Khayyam, Bhaskar chandawarkar, Bal palsule, and many more. hats off.

  24. Rajiv Bakshi

    Dear Sir,

    I am excited to find you on web site and hope that this mail will reach to you.

    Hi, I am Rajiv Bakshi age 46 living in Gandhinagar, state capital of Gujarat.

    Years ago when I was in school (I am referring to period of early 1970s) I used to listen program Zankar daily from 8.00 AM to 8.10 AM of Hindi film songs on Radio Vividhbharti played on various musical instruments by known artists like Milan Gupta on Mouth Organ, Sridhar Kenkere on Bansari/ Flute, Vansiple on Violin …. and of course your great self on accordion. And from those days I had dream of learning accordion. We did have harmonium of Paris cesral tunes of old times that father used to play and sing songs of Kundan Lal saigal, Jag Mohan, Pankaj Malik, Talat Mehmud . . . and slowly I started playing Harmonium. I used to play those songs, which I had heard you play in zankar program in the morning. Believe me, many a times it used to happen like this – songs that I was playing of Lata were not heard by me, I came to know only after some time and realized – ooh it was this song I was playing so far !!!! I used to imagine all the time, how your fingers must be moving from keys to keys and try to imitate it, and it started working slowly! I cannot explain this to you, what a wonderful experience it was! I started playing almost all songs played by you of Lata on harmonium. To tell you frankly you are my GURU. Our relation is like that of Guru Dron of mahabharat and Eklavya who had made statue of Guru Dron to learn “Dhanurvidhya”
    Story does not stop here.
    People use to say, if you have deep down profound desire for some thing, and if your intentions are honest and innocent, GOD does help you achieve that thing before you end your life. And same thing happened with me.
    I was searching for accordion, which was my ultimate desire to play. I got it one from Sai Music center, Nr, Siddhi Vinayak Temple, Mumbai few months ago and remembered you a lot. It is of Italian make and has 32 keys and 80 buttons.
    I would like to ask you two question and would be highly delighted if you will reply –

    (1) I can play accordion like harmonium, no problem but I don’t know how to play it with button. Please show me how I can do that?
    (2) Is it necessary to keep bellows closed on one side while playing? I have seen some artists play keeping bellows open both sides.

    “Sir, Aap ko or aapki kala ko mera koti koti pranam”

  25. kishore

    I am a great admirer of yours and the instrument accordian since my childhood days of ‘Awara’. I do not know your present condition, but after finding your site on internet I could not check my self to communicate my feelings. Accordian is one of the musical istruments which directly touches the heart and it is a self sufficient instrument. You mastered this instrument and I have always relish rather was lost while listening to you over your instrument. May God give you every thing of your choice.

  26. पियुष महेता-सुरत

    आदरणिय श्री एनोक डेनियेल्स साहब,
    इस पन्ने पर आपके चाहको के प्रतिभाव पढ़कर बहोत ख़ुशी हुई और ख़ाश तो श्री खैयाम साहब को पढ़ कर तो बहोत ही ख़ुशी हुई । वैसे तो मेरी आपसे फ़ोन पर बातें होती रहती है । और विविध भारती पर फोन इन कार्यक्रम ‘हल्लो आपके अनुरोध पर’ अन्तर्गत मैंनें कई बार जब जब मेरा नंबर लगता था तब तब सिर्फ़ एक बार जल तरंग की एक रेर फिल्मी धून की पसंद के अपवाद को छोड कर हर बार आपकी प्रस्तूत की हुई धूनो को पसंद किया था । और इसमें इस ब्लोग के मूख़्या विविध भारती के श्री युनूस खान, उनकी पत्नी श्रीमती ममता सिंघ,श्री कमल शर्मा, श्रीमती निम्मी मिश्रा, श्री रेणू बंसल, और निवृत्त श्रीमती मोना ठाकूर ने पूरा सहकार दिया था, उसका मूझे आनंद है । रेडियो सिलोन (श्रीलंका) की श्रीमती पद्दमिनी परेराने मेरी दी हुई ख़बर अनुसार कई बार 16 अप्रैल के दिन पूरे एक घंटे के कार्यक्रम आपको बधाई देते हुए प्रस्तूत किये है, जिसमें आपकी 78 आरपीएम औए ईपीझ को भी शामिल किया था । अगर इस वेबसाईट के इस गेस्ट बूक के वाचक आपको पियानो-एकोर्डियन बजाते देख़ना चाहते है तो
    इस लिन्क पर देख़ सकते है और बिल्लीमोरा बाले इसी कार्यक्रमके बारेमें इसी लिन्क के अंदर एक सबलिन्क पर पढ भी सकते है और कुछ धूनो को केवल सुन सकते है तो मैंने आप को जबानी बता कर लगाई है । एक चाहना है कि एक ओडियो सीडी आप पियानो पर बनायें । और सिंगींग रीड्झ के गानों की सुची तो एक अन्य एल पी की सुची के बराबर ही हुई है, वह ठीक करवा लें, जिसमें प्यार मोहोबत, ज्वाला वगैरह गाने है । और हर एल पी के कवर के पीछे वाली साईड को वैसे का वैसा ही प्रदर्शित करवायें, जिससें कई और जानकारी नये लोगो तक पहोंचे ।
    बहोत बधाई ।
    पियुष महेता ।

  27. Upendra Laxmeshwar

    Respected Sir,

    Having been in the field of Music since 1957, I have been following your music since then, to date !

    We have positively been blessed by the Lord, to have been born in the same era as you ! To have witnessed you perform with the Late Shri.Van Shiplay and individually and to hear your compositions with various leading Music Directors. The new generations are not so lucky, I must say.

    Sir, your guidance and your very presence itself, is our inspiration to perform better and better.

    Wish you a very long and happy life.

  28. Qamaal Mustafa Sikander

    I am a great fan of the retro Hindi film songs and it goes without saying that contribution of Mr. Enoch Daniels in creating that treasure is immense. May God give him good health.

    Best wishes,
    Qamaal Mustafa Sikander

  29. Sanjay Deshpande

    Hallo Daniel Saheb,
    So nice to see and listen to you! It’s indeed a heavenly experience. I hope you remember me? The Sitar player- My debut album was released at your auspicious hands…. Long live you and your Magic Accourdion!!

  30. Rajkumar Sharma

    I have always loved the tunes played by you, to me they have sound more melodious than the actual songs. As a child I heard you so many times on radio in programmes like ‘Saaz Aur Aawaz’, I was always spell bound, I felt as if your instrument was giving vocal play. Because of your magic, Piano Accordian is my favourite instrument. I feel sorry to see synthesizer replacing accordian, which is really not a real substitute.
    Sir! you are really great. I have gone through the site, it was like an achievement to know so much about you and see the photographs.
    I salute to your greatness.
    I wish everything nice for you for the life ahead.

  31. Amit Sinha

    <p>Hi!<br />
    I never knew Ramona had such a brilliant dad! No wonder she is a such a top rate musician. I am really thrilled to learn about you. The moment I hear about about movies like “Kabhie Kabhie”, it takes me back to my school days. It is so wonderful. May you keep going with your musical notes always!</p>

  32. vipin gopal

    Hello Mr. Daniels:

    I am based in USA and spend most of childhood in India.Of all the things that I remember of listening to Vividh Bharti, your name just is stuck with me.The fine intrumentals of hindi film songs that I heard on AIR, have given me tremendous listening pleasure.

    I stumbled on this website by googling your name and it refreshed my memories.

    May god bless you and your family and friends

    best, Vipin

  33. Vijay Ramkumar

    Since I was a young kid growing up I was always thrilled and excited listening to your instrumentals. You have been and still is my greatest inspration in playing music. In my very early years of playing music I always wished I could play like you and now in the year 2003 I still try to play like you. It took me many many years to find an accordion that has the tone you use most. I finally found one and now I am working on my own projects (Accordion Instrumentals) still pursuing that dream of being able to play accordion instrumentals the way you do. Of course it is impossible for me to be able to play like you but your inspration is always there and hopefully some day I will be able to achieve my dreams. It has been very special to me being able to be a new name in your guest book. Once again, Thankyou so much for your inspration in getting me started in music.

  34. ingrid van shipley

    hi uncle danny, it was wonderful to check out this site and see all your achievements and memories!!! it brought back great memories of the good old days with dad, uncle talat, yourself and all the many musicians who passed from under and over all your wings! music used to fill the air with many rehearsals and it was a family funtime to hear all the stories from your travels, both domestic and international.thank you for all that. love, ingrid.

  35. Ester Eric D'Cruz

    Dear Enoch,
    It was wonderful to see your website and it brought back joyful memories of our past years at Baroda.I still remember the exciting times for Barodians and all our friends during your visits here. Those times are still fondly remembered!
    Yours loving sister,

  36. Meghana Fernandes

    Nobody can forget the old, haunting music of Indian Cinema. And the musicians who made it all happen, will always be remembered fondly.

  37. Brig. & Mrs. G. Sridharan

    Dear Uncle Enoch,
    We are extremely happy to see your website. We are very proud to be part of your family.
    We hope and pray that you will continue to play such beautiful music for many more years to come.
    Warm Regards,
    Irene & Sridhar

  38. Kay

    Hello Mr. Daniels, I am a fan of yours, and want to say how impressed I am by your website. Your music is great and I enjoyed going thru your achievements. (You look wonderful in those pictures and the early ones are really good).
    I wish you all the very best and keep using your God given talents. Hoping to meet you someday!!!
    A female admirer 🙂

  39. Mr. Khayyam

    Over the past 35 years, I have had the pleasure of being acquainted at a professional level with Mr. Enoch Daniels, who is an internationally renowned and accomplished piano-accordionist. Enoch has achieved this, by virtue of his 18 long playing records, recorded and distributed by the Gramophone Company of India since 1957, as well as his various stage perfomances all over the world, accompanying celebrated singers like Kishore Kumar, Manna Dey, Mohammed Rafi, Talat Mehmood, Lata Mangeshkar etc

    I particularly wish to highlight Enoch’s high level of musical abilities displayed in his Piano accompaniment in two of my compositions – ‘Tum apna ranjo gum, apni pareshani mujhe de do’ recorded in the late 1950’s and ‘Dil ka ek chehera’ recorded in the late 1990’s.

    Enoch has been my constant music arranger since the movie ‘Kabhie Kabhie’in the 1970’s. His ability to decorate music without disturbing the melody, suits me perfectly, and his sense of harmony and rhythm can never be faulted. I have also been privileged to hear some of his own compositions, and have truly appreciated them.

    On a personal level he is a true gentleman, and a humble God-fearinq man. He believes in working sincerely, without expecting any accolades. I consider him as my younger brother, as we are so in tune, not only in our creative work together, but also in our perceptions life and our relationship with the Almighty.

    May the good Lord bless and keep him always|

  40. Nandi Duggal

    To all music lovers,
    My career as an impressario started along with Mr. Enoch Daniels in 1956 in East Africa. His outstanding Piano, Keyboard & Piano Accordion artistry earned him millions of fans all over the world & he became an important member of entertaining troupes.

    The creative genius & trained musicianship of Enoch Daniels has thrilled young & old people with the fascinating sound of the Piano Accordion. Delightful film songs coming in their sweetest form through the singing reeds of the accordion played by him in a unique presentation hypnotised the listeners. I had the honour to present him in East Africa, U.S.A., Canada, U.K., Mauritius, South Africa, West Indies and Fiji repeatedly for the last four decades. My stage shows (over 1,300) were never complete without him. What a delight to hear his playing with Talat Mehmood, C.H.Atma, Mohammed Rafi, Kishore Kumar, Manna Dey & so many other great singers of India.

    His immense talent is not limited to stage shows and concerts, but his contribution to Indian film music is enormous. Most of the leading music directors have used his talent to arrange their music for their compositions. A living legend whose performance is a sheer treat to absolute perfection.

    Musically Your’s
    Nandi Duggal, Showbiz Enterprises

  41. Arvind Kher

    Very cool site. Great pictures. Good to see the extent of recent coverage in the Marathi press. Now I must obtain some of the recordings that have been released on CD.

  42. Romeo Vijaykumar Panday

    Your music has given me the spirit to play the accordeon and study music. Nowadays I am a wellknown accordeon and pianoplayer in the Netherlands. I,ve studied music at the Sweelinck Conservatory in Amsterdam

    Thank you and God bless you,
    Romeo Vijay Panday
    Amsterdam, the Netherlands

  43. Vikram & Vivek Sridharan

    Dear Uncle Enoch,
    It was indeed our Wondrous experience to go through your website. We feel really proud to be a part of the family.
    Warm Regards, Vicky & Ricky

  44. Lester DeCruz

    This website is a wonderful tribute to my uncle Enoch… A great musician no doubt, but my mentor too. Signature tunes for R.K.Films, Kabhi Kabhi and I guess the list is endless. What an exciting journey, what a wonderful friend to many who know him.

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